Institutional Book Ordering
Interview with StoryTime Solidarity
Librarians ask about creating
and about my career in the Arts.
This is a beautifully written description of the mermaid parade seen in the eyes of a child.The vivid colors and mention of the salty air and warm sun really bring in the reader to this wonderful day. The narrator talks about the traditions of the event. This book is written for all elementary school age children and younger but would be enjoyed by all. What I love most is the diversity portrayed in this book and the emphasis that it brings people together no matter who they are. At the mermaid parade You can be You.
“Pair this with ‘Julian is A Mermaid’ and get a wider cultural experience.”
Brooklyn Americana 2020 Story Time
Suzi Wackerbarth, Children’s Librarian
DC Public Library Reads MERMAIDS ON PARADE
Lonna Pierce, Storyteller & Children’s Bookseller
Barnes & Noble, Vestal, NY
The Mermaid Parade, a summer solstice ritual to open the beach season at Coney Island, started in 1983 as the revival of an older festival. Greenberg paints detailed—and accurate—layouts of the neighborhood, complete with shops, arcades, the F train to Coney Island, Astroland, and diverse people decked out in their sea-creature finery. She lavishes each joyful spread with upbeat colors and patterns. Skies echo the changing blue tints of the ocean. The minimal story line—a young girl narrates as she marches in the parade with her parents—functions like a tour guide, calling attention to the sights. The wealth of detail turns the pages into a Where's Waldo game: adults and children might challenge each other to locate the three main characters in an amusement-park panorama, or to count the number of pirates dancing on the Boardwalk. This is a fine way to keep the warm sun, sand, and celebration around all year.
- Kate Schmitz, Owner, Flying Squirrel Shop
“Hi Melanie! I love your work. My sons won Mermaids on Parade from a Giveaway Erica did on her site and they LOVED it! We brought it in so that my son's kindergarten teacher could read it to his class last year, and it's still a popular choice when they want a story. I'l be sure to find you on Facebook!”
- The Pleasant Thing, Parent Blogger
“It was such a pleasure meeting you, my daughter and I are in love with your book, and we're looking forward to your next story time.”
- Demitra Mensah, Parent Blogger
“Just to let you know, my granddaughter, Theia, has taken to the Mermaids book. It’s now one of the books she takes with her to bed to help her fall asleep. She lays in bed looking at the pictures till she’s asleep. She’s not reading yet, so that’s a very good thing to be doing. Thanks again for signing the books!!!”
- Glenn Spivak
“I am actually performing at a 6 year olds mermaid theme birthday party on Friday.If its ok I will read and sing your book then x”
- Laura Santoso
“Went to a New Years gathering where Sofia met Melanie Hope Greenberg, author of the Mermaid Parade book which she loved as a younger kid.”
- Edin Velez
"Hello Melanie, We love your book so much. My daughter is giving it to her
kindergarten class as her "birthday book." We will be reading it to the class
next Friday morning. I think my little one would be over the moon if it were addressed to (her school) on the occasion of Willa's sixth birthday--or something like that. Thank you, Melanie!!! My best,"
- Happy Parent and Online Book Ordering Customer
“I took my daughter to the library in Burlington, VT today and this was prominently displayed in the children's section!” - Kristina Franz Alexandre
“This fun, light-hearted book illustrates the yearly Mermaid Parade in New York City. This story is a great way to learn about that nation’s largest art parade, which promotes self-expression, artistic expression, and community involvement. Who knew!” - Happy Parent
“Melanie, I saw ‘Mermaids on Parade’ at our local San Diego library and it made me so happy to see a little bit of Brooklyn out here. We love our signed copy. Unrelated but I just told a mermaid-loving 1st grade teacher about ‘Mermaids on Parade’. Hopefully she can incorporate it into her classroom!”
- Jade Elzien
“Hi Melanie, We won't be able to make the reading, but I just wanted to say that my daughter loves your book. We checked it out from the library and kept renewing it and renewing it for months. Have a great time on Saturday!”
- Jaime West
“Our grandniece, Ava McLaughlin, spent last week with us in Scituate, MA. She needed to use the restroom in the library while playing at the town playground and asked her Mom “Is this a PUBLIC library?” “Melanie Hope Greenberg told me that we can find "Mermaids on Parade" in any public library.” She was disappointed that they did not have time to look for your book but her 5th birthday is next week so I thought she might like her very own copy. Your appearance at her Summer Day Camp in Brooklyn made quite an impact on her. I will check with our Children’s Librarian to see if your book is on the shelf. If not, I will suggest she put it on her list of future purchases. Please inscribe the book to Ava. She begins Kindergarten on 9/9 so it is a very exciting time in this new readers life. Best!”
- Janet Campbell
“I can't wait to see pictures! When you were in Dallas Texas a few years ago, I came to a writers & Illustrators conference where you were! It was fabulous to hear about the mermaid parade, it made me want to come join in the fun but alas to far for me to go, so be sure and post some pics!! Its great to see what all you do, so inspirational!!" - Karyn Sawers
"We read Mermaids last night and it was a hit. Thank you!”
“Was excited to see your mermaid book displayed among the Coney exhibit stuff for sale in the shop (Brooklyn Museum). This could be really good for you! It's a really lovely book! Maeve has been learning about maps at school and we really enjoyed going over the bird's eye perspective illustrations of the streets and boardwalk :) She loves your Mermaid Parade book so much!”
- Erin Core Kinsella
“Thanks Melanie. I was excited to get a signed copy of your Mermaids on Parade book for my daughter (I had been planning on buying the book anyway since I wanted to read it to her before the parade next week).”
- Happy Parent
“Thank you, Melanie! Did you hit up the Mermaid Parade on Saturday?? We didn't, but read your book in honor of it. It's a favorite in our household! Thank YOU for creating it!” - Kristina Lucenko
“We love that book! We checked it out at the library but need to buy one. My daughter makes me tell mermaid stories every night and many are set in Coney Island. Imagine my surprise to find your book. I should have realized you were local. Melanie, we'll always have Mermaids on Parade! Anya will be a mermaid forever and ever. We read the book tonight in preparation for our first mermaid parade on Saturday. I have two little mermaids--a 2.5 yr old (who we should probably leave at home but we're not) and an enthusiastic 5 yr old who is actually saving up for a $3K custom fit mermaid tail (on track for getting it at age 16).” - Laura Strandhoy Amin
“We just read Mermaids on Parade this morning.” - Lori D’Amico
“Made her mermaid tail from you Melanie Hope Greenberg.” - Muriel Watt
“Melanie Hope Greenberg This just came today too. It was a hit! My 6 year old loved inspecting all of the illustrations.”
- Natasha Aloe Bovee
“My dad and I took my girls out to Coney Island last week. We spent a long time pouring over Mermaids on Parade afterwards picking out all the places we visited. It was tons of fun. Thanks!” - Oril Van Mourik
“I read it to my niece for the first time over the phone last night! :) She lives 2 hours away and I couldn't wait until the next time I see her!”
“I will tell luciana, who we've read your signed copy of "Mermaids on Parade" too 100's of times, thanks to Kristen Lynch, and send you her reaction shot! She loves you, and your books so much!” - Sarah Fabbricatore Alwa
“I recently sent my mother a copy of the book! And a fellow teaching artist brought this up to me a few years ago: "the little girl I nanny has this book about the Mermaid Parade and it is her favorite. I read it to her again the other day and saw you and Simone listed in the back!" Good stories and interactions like these are all thanks to you!” - Yung Oh Le Page
“Flo and I want to go to Coney Island now. Flo wants to dress as a mermaid and win a prize in the parade just like in the book."
“I love it! It’s colorful and fun as it describes a little girls day celebrating the opening of the ocean during summer solstice. A Coney Island tradition since 1983. (I learned that with Melanie’s “Note from the author” page in back of book which follows instructions on making your own mermaid tail!). The map of Coney Island had me googling the businesses along the parade route to learn more about Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York.” - Lisa Marie Miller
“I also loved all the colors and details in your artwork. It took me a while to really take in all you illustrated on each page. So great to look at. Your book is also educational- I never knew there was a mermaid parade at Coney Island. How cool is that? Reading your book was a great deal of fun.” - Diana Muenz
“We love your book so much. my daughter is giving it to her kindergarten class as her "birthday book." We will be reading it to the class next Friday morning.” - jessamyn
“Ella's mermaid tail is still a regular fixture in her dress-up box.” - John Emerson
"Thank you for the mermaid book. I like the bit where it shows you how to make the mermaid tail. Attached is a picture of me as a mermaid, with the tail I made." - Clementine, Age 4. This is a message sent by Clementine's mummy, because Mermaids on Parade is her favourite book, even though she lives in London and has never been to Coney Island. Best wishes!”
- Ophelia and Clementine x
“You created a classic picture book, Melanie!!!” - Beverly Komoda
“Thanks Melanie- went to Coney Island today and discussed your work at length!”
- Brian Shuman
"Just received two copies of Melanie Hope Greenberg's book, Mermaids on Parade. Ebby is going to mermaid camp this summer and I couldn't get one for her, without getting one for cousins Caitlin and LIbbie!” - Carol Federlin Baldwin, Author
“Look what I found at our used book store! super cute. My kid loved it!”
- Kimberly Ann Burkhart Ouska
“I'm so glad I got that book. Can't wait to share with the kids! - Connie Cramer
She loves it.3x reading!" - Danell Moore Burney
“Victoria still reads your book every night and now can recite the entire book. Her favorite part is where you wrote For Victoria and when I say by she says Melanie Hope Greenberg :)” - Deidre Quiñones
“Thank u, great to meet this morning, love the book!” - Deirdre Read
“These books have been on heavy repeat this week. He LOVES it! He gets to pick 3 books at naptime and bedtime, and it’s (Mermaids On Parade) his first pick for both every day the past few weeks.”
- Jamie Lynn Onakoya
“Our books came from Melanie Hope Greenberg and we are so excited! These are our first autographed books ever! We read this tonight and it’s DELIGHTFUL! This is a super cool, real event! I am so glad we were able to order these books from Melanie Hope Greenberg. We loved how both books make the city come to life. I love it! My kids loved it! We’ve been talking in our homeschooling about things authors do to make their reader feel something and you 100% do. Mermaids and Aunt Lilly really drew us into those worlds.”
- Beth Bloom Martinez
“Thank you for our signed copy of Mermaids on Parade, Melanie! The kids absolutely loved it! Izzy was flipping through and said “It says, I love mermaid parades!”
“DAY 6: SHARE Your KINDNESS STORY!! Thank you Melanie Hope Greenberg for signing your book for the girls!! We love the decorations you added and of course we LOVE the book!! HEY EVERYONE!! What are your bits of sunshine or stories of kindness from the holiday weekend?? LET’S SPREAD SOME HAPPINESS!!!"
“We love reading your books before bed.” - Arlene Ettinger Frankel